Missionweek Gmünd

17 Ago 2024 -
25 Ago 2024
EUR 185.00

Tipo de viaje


Tamaño del grupo


fecha de aplicacion

30 Mayo



Descripción General del Viaje

God's mission - your mission?
Come with us to Gmünd on an adventure with God! Together we will encounter God
and bring the good news of Jesus to the people of Gmünd. Learn simple and creative
ways to share about Jesus in personal conversations, or use your musical skills or
poetry to touch hearts. Gmünd
Gmünd is a small town with around 5600 inhabitants in the Waldviertel region of
Austria on the Czech border. Few people in the area have found a living relationship
with Jesus. A small church shines here like a torch and carries the gospel into the
Waldviertel. We want to support them and make Jesus known – will you join us?

Si vives en España y tienes alguna duda o quieres presentar una solicitud, escríbenos a personnel.es@om.org

Para hacer la solicitud debes ser mayor de edad (tener 18 años +). Todas las oportunidades son de misionero, es decir, que no son puestos remunerados.

El precio no incluye los vuelos, el seguro médico, el visado (si procede) ni posibles vacunas. El precio puede variar según el tipo de cambio actual

What To Expect

Part of the outreach team will consist of musicians who will touch people with music
in small concerts at various locations and tell them about Jesus with short stories,
testimonies or poetry. Are you a musician or do you write poetry? We are looking for
The rest of the team will approach people with creative conversation starters to have
honest conversations about life and to testify to Jesus as our Saviour. There will be
training sessions at the beginning of the outreach where you will learn how to share
the gospel in a creative and understandable way and get people excited about Jesus.
Are you passionate about people being saved? We are looking for you!
We want to tell even the youngest children about Jesus' love for us with a creative
children's programme. Do you enjoy working with children? We are looking for you!
Together we will worship God daily and seek his presence before we invite people to
experience his presence.

Perfil del Participante

Age Range: 16-80

Your heart burns for mission? You are ready to lead conversations about Jesus? We are looking for you! Experience with Outreaches is helpful, but not necessary, there will be training.

Preguntas Frecuentes

Will there be accommodation provided?

We will be accommodated in a holiday home, depending on age and fitness in beds or with sleeping bags & mats. Rooms of ~6 people

Will there be food provided?

We will have people with us who will cook for the team
during the outreach. Special diets have to be clarified.

Do I need to make my own travel arrangements?

Participants arrange and pay for their own travel.

  • Fly to Vienna (VIE) airport, and take the train to Gmünd train station. Participants will be picked up there. Trains are a very safe and common way of transport in Austria.
  • Check out the most suitable connection at www.oebb.at

Participants should arrive Saturday at 4pm and leave Sunday at 3pm.

What should my health condition be like?

Participants need to be ready for long hours standing/walking during outreach times. If you have health limitations, please let us know!

Do I need a visa?

EU/EWR citizens do not need a visa. Other particpants please consult your local OM branch or visit www.schengenvisainfo.com

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Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

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Short-term mission opportunities: shortterm.uk@om.org


01691 773388