Reaching A Coruña/Spain

2. Mai 2025 -
31. Juli 2025
EUR 1020.00

Art des Einsatzes



15. Jan.




Based in the city of A Coruña on the North West coast of Spain, You will be attending a local Baptist church in Spanish, and helping with local ministries to reach out to local people. You will be involved with the church youth group and any other events the church might have during your time here. To help the OM team in the different activities they have during your time here.

In addition there will be a one-time and non-refundable registration fee of 40€.

Das bieten wir

You will work alongside OM workers and participate in their team meetings. Expect to follow a weekly schedule of different ministry activities. If you are here in July you will be part of the “Way of St. James” (Camino de Santiago) outreach, a hike of around 120km where you will be sharing the gospel with pilgrims from all over the world. Please understand that while you are serving with us, you won't be able to travel around Spain so do not expect holidays. However you will get one day off every week, where you can visit and do any sightseeing around the province of A Coruña. The budget doesn't include any extra money for sightseeing or any transportation outside of A Coruña city.


Age Range: 18-60

We are looking for people who are teachable, flexible and passionate about sharing the gospel amongst the least reached in Spain. You should be a Jesus follower with a strong desire to share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ with other people, working with the local church. You must be at least 18 years old and in good health. Knowing some Spanish will help you to engage with local people and feel more effective. If you do not speak Spanish your engament will be limited as not many Spaniards are fluent in English
Have on mind that all activities you will be involved with will be fully in Spanish.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Will there be accommodation provided?

You will be sharing an OM flat with other participants or OM workers. You may have to share a bedroom.

Ist Verpflegung eingeschlossen?

You will need to take turns with other team members in cooking meals.

Muss ich meine An- und Abreise selbst planen?

You should arrive by plane into A Coruña airport (LCG), by train into the railway station San Cristóbal in A Coruña or by bus into the A Coruña bus station.

Wie sollte mein Gesundheitszustand sein?

In good health. We need to know about any health issues, dietary requirements, food allergies or intolerances in advance.

Brauche ich ein Visum?

Most nationalities can spend up to 90 days in Spain without a visa. However check with your local Spanish embassy what the requirements are for your specific country and if you need a letter of invitation. If you come from outwith the European Union and would like to come for more than 90 days, please contact us to discuss if this will be possible, based on the Spanish visa requirements.


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Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

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01691 773388