REACH South Africa (February 2025)
8. Feb. 2025
7. Jun. 2025
CAD 5825.00
Journey Type
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Journey Overview
REACH is a 4-month training program where you will be exposed to different kinds of cultures, ministries, and missions' opportunities. A Biblical foundation for discipleship provides a structure for spiritual growth, healing, and a platform for sharing your faith. You will participate in a weekly ministry and explore where your passion and skillset can be most fruitful in God's Kingdom while a personal coach-mentor will walk through this journey with you. You will look at the “why” and “how” of missions while learning about and interacting with other world religions. You will participate in one practical 2-week elective: (Agriculture, Kids and Youth Ministry, Biblical / Social Justice, or Business) before concluding the training with a 2-week outreach where you get to put all that you have been learning into practice somewhere amongst the least reached in South Africa. There are so many people all over the world that don't know Jesus. Do you want to do something about that? We are on a mission to put a vibrant community of Jesus followers in everyone's reach, especially where there is not already a local church present. Come join REACH in South Africa to be prepared and equipped together with other likeminded people from all over the globe to do just that. You will be trained in practical skills, challenged to grow as a disciple of Jesus, and guided to find your strategic place in world missions!
The cost mentioned is for the whole REACH program. This is an estimate figure please contact your home office for more details.
The Connexion cost may vary according to the program that is customised for the participant.
See the community at
Youtube: If you live in Canada, you can use this link to apply now
Price excludes airfare, insurance or any possible vaccinations and is subject to foreign exchange rates.
Families means minors are accompanied by a responsible adult.
What To Expect
REACH South Africa is unique because we have an exciting next step in your journey to making Jesus known among the least reached. Connexion is a 6-month internship where you gain a more specific and practical training opportunity. Where you get to serve, will depend on what you have discovered about yourself during REACH and where you feel God is calling you. (E.g. If God is calling you to the Middle East, your internship will be on a field which is already working amongst Muslims, and you might start an Arabic course. Anything to get you as well equipped as we can for the mission field!) This internship opportunity allows you to take your learning and preparation to the next level so you can move from missions exposure to missions experience and competency.
Participant Profile
Age Range: 18-65
Participants need to:
- Have a love for Jesus and a desire to share your faith
- Be flexible and have willingness to work as a team
- Have a good English language ability. This program is for English speakers from anywhere in the world. All instructions will be taught in English.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will there be accommodation provided?
During study weeks at the REACH base in Pretoria. On outreach in villages and towns in South Africa, with local families and churches, amongst some of the least-reached people groups.
Will there be food provided?
Nourishing meals are planned by our OM base teams. Be prepared to also grow in teamwork as you prepare ingredients, cook, and wash plates for the rest of your REACH group.
Do I need to make my own travel arrangements?
Participants from overseas must plan to arrive at Johannesburg Airport. For the date of arrival and departure please contact your home office.
All travel during the outreach time is covered and organised by REACH.
What should my health condition be like?
Participants must be generally in good health. Please advise us of any medical issues we should be aware of and/or dietary restrictions.
Do I need a visa?
You can only enter South Africa with a Passport, not an ID card.
Please check visa requirements at: and contact your home office for guidance and the necessary paperwork.
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Your Local Office
Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB
Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).
General enquiries:
Short-term mission opportunities:
01691 773388