God listens
Pray for the nations
In the midst of social, economic and political unrest, we can trust in the sovereignty of God and in His kingship over the nations of the earth. He promises that one day every family will worship before Him.
At the same time, there are billions of people around the world who don’t know God. Often, they don’t even know a single Jesus follower who can tell them that God listens to their prayers. Many of these people are concentrated across five geographic areas: the Sahel, the Arabian Peninsula, the North Caucasus, South Asia and the Mekong.
Will you join believers around the world in praying for people in these places? Together, we will lift up Jesus followers who are boldly sharing Christ’s love in some of these areas and ask God for more people to join them in reaching those who don’t know Him.
Download the Prayer Reach app today
Prayer Reach is an app for iPhone, iPad and Android devices that acts as a catalyst for prayer that reaches into the communities of the world where churches are few, and Jesus followers are often not present. By spending time in prayer for people who do not yet know God's amazing love, we align our hearts and minds with His, and open ourselves to how He might desire to use us for His work in the world.
Videos to inspire prayer
Together, we are called to share God’s plan for redemption with all people. OM’s five spotlight regions were selected as places around the world with a high percentage of least-reached people, and where, thanks to your support, OM teams are uniquely placed to make a difference.
Watch these videos to learn more and be inspired to pray for people living in these regions.
Prier pour nos voisins
En tant que disciples du Christ, nous prenons très au sérieux la forte invitation de Jésus à "aimer Dieu et aimer son prochain".
Les personnes issues d'autres religions sont nos voisins, et l'une des façons de les aimer est de demander des bénédictions pour eux, leurs familles, leurs communautés et les villes dans lesquelles ils vivent dans le monde.