Comic book

'Light in the Darkness', an illustrated comic sharing the gospel, is now available in the Arabic and Farsi languages for refugees in Europe.

OM teams plan to offer Light in the Darkness, an illustrated comic now available in Arabic and Farsi, to refugees in Europe. Based on Patricia St. John’s novel Star of Light, it tells the story of Hamid who runs away with his blind little sister to prevent his stepfather from selling her. Fleeing their mountain village in Morocco, Hamid reaches a city where a believer helps them and points them to their true Saviour and refuge.

Previously produced by OM EurAsia Support Team’s (OM EAST) publishing ministry in the Crimean Tatar, Georgian, Russian and Serbo-Croatian languages, Light in the Darkness is an accessible way to communicate the gospel.   

Please pray this publication would open up conversations about faith. Please pray whole refugee families discover hope in Christ as they, too, seek a better future.

View Arabic comiC View Farsi comic

For more information, please contact us.

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