去经历和成长短宣机会 探索机会 信奉上帝的大使命耶稣的爱是需要分享的! 你是否愿意凭着信心前进,成为耶稣的使者,到少闻福音人群中传讲福音吗?通过服事,探索神对你生命的呼召! 短期宣教一般...少于6个月 短期宣教非常适合...想要多了解宣教职场的人 Image 波兰 Sharing God's Word Caring for people Relief and Development Serving War Refugees in Poland Image 摩尔多瓦 Church Planting Sharing God's Word Kids, Youth and Students Customised Church Partnership Outreach Image 英国 Sharing God's Word Prayer Race Across Europe 2025 (8 weeks) Image Arabian Peninsula Arts, Music and Media Cosy Bookshop Image Arabian Peninsula Arts, Music and Media Sports Kids, Youth and Students Discover yourself Internship Image Middle East and North Africa Arts, Music and Media Inspiro Arts Alliance Musicians and Artists to MENA Image 英国 Sharing God's Word Mentoring and Discipleship Training CMO - Customised Ministry Opportunities (London) Image 德国 Kids, Youth and Students Administration Serving People - Volunteer at Hospitality Centre Image 阿尔巴尼亚 Arts, Music and Media Technical and Practical Skills Communications Photographer Image 巴西 Mentoring and Discipleship Training REACH REACH Brazil 2025 Image Ships Ships DOULOS HOPE STEP Opportunity STEP I 2025 Image Ships Ships LOGOS HOPE STEP Opportunity - STEP II 2025 探索短宣机会 踏出第一步对宣教有兴趣但不知从何开始?让我们协助你吧! 联系我们 “踏出的第一步是最艰难的——你需要勇气、信心和顺服。但如果你做到了,上帝会给你连连惊喜,和祂开始一段奇妙的旅程,并且你会在每一步都经历祂。”flora望道号的前服事者 我们的故事 sam's story What brings you joy? One man’s search for more than the 5-minute life read carolyn's story Faced with a refugee crisis, she wondered: "What difference can I make?" Read 您也可以参考能对以下的资讯,了解其他的宣教事工... 活在少闻福音人群中长宣机会 了解更多 去接触当地人群当地事工 了解更多 为事工装备宣教指导 了解更多