Guiding Values

We are imitating Jesus and participating in holistic, Kingdom transformation of all life and creation, by cultivating a Biblical community, as we strategically innovate in our ministries and remain in mutual commitment to the cause of Christ and care for people.

man speaks to a group

Imitating Jesus

We live out the love and compassion of Christ, under the authority of His word, bearing witness to Him in our everyday lives, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Imitating Jesus flows from the great commandment to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength (Deut. 6:4-7), and the work of God’s spirit in us (Ezek. 36:26-28) leads us to obedient response to imitate Christ in word and deed (Eph. 5:1-2; 1 Cor. 11:1; Phil. 2:1-5).

  • Living in intimacy with God and in obedience to His Word

  • We are people of prayer who trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit

  • Bearing witness to Christ through word and deed, igniting passion among God’s people for His Kingdom

  • Feeling and radiating the grace and compassion of Christ

  • Embracing our identity in Christ and being changed by the Holy Spirit

people visit a local landmark

Kingdom Transformation

We are deeply committed to justice and righteousness; we participate with God in His Kingdom to see lives and communities transformed by the gospel worldwide.

The Old Testament emphasises concepts of God’s kingship and reign over Israel. The prophet Isaiah sketches the picture of a messenger bearing good news that, despite destruction, “God reigns” (52:7). In the New Testament, the Kingdom of God is central to Jesus’ proclamation and ministry. The good news of the kingdom breaks into our lived realities and brings about transformation (Luke 4:18-19; Matt. 4:23; Matt.9:35; Acts 1:4).

  • All of life and creation come under the Lordship of Christ.

  • Participating with God in His greater Kingdom purposes

  • Holistic transformation of individuals and communities

  • Championing the voices of the least heard in marginalised communities in least reached areas

  • Being people of justice and righteousness

different people pray over a map of the world

A Biblical Community

We are Jesus followers who celebrate our diversity in Him, treating all as of equal value — men and women of different cultures, ages and theological and socio-economic backgrounds — with love and respect.

God is just (Deut. 32:4) and requires those who follow Him to act justly (Mi. 6:8) by showing no partiality and by upholding the cause of the most vulnerable. In Isaiah (58), acting justly is compared to a form of worship – a theme carried through in the ministry of Jesus. As Gentile believers were added to the New Testament church, the community wrestled with more layers of diversity, and the early church leaders repeatedly concluded that all are equal and one in Christ, belonging to one body and all partakers of the gospel (Col. 3:11-13; Acts 2:42-47).

  • We are interconnected and interdependent, sharing our lives and resources with each other.

  • We are people of integrity, serving sacrificially, listening to each other with respect and love.

  • Intentionally embracing and honouring people’s unique contributions to the body and work of Christ

  • Embracing women and men from different cultures and generations with a variety of capabilities

  • Seeking the best for one another, caring for and uplifting each other

man with Radio broadcast

Strategic Innovation

We seek to be courageous, creative, relevant and agile in ministry, constantly evaluating progress as we pursue our God-given mission.

The creation account in Genesis (1:1-31) and the incarnation of Jesus (John 1:1-18) reveal God’s nature to innovate. In Jesus, all things have been made new (2 Cor. 5:17-21). In Acts, the Holy Spirit led the Apostles in preaching the gospel, where they went and whom they met and, at times, redirected them. Strategic thinking is about knowing and understanding the times we are living in and discerning the work and leading of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:29, 10:19-20, 11:12, 13:2-4, 16:6-7, 20:22; 1 Chron. 12:32).

  • Active listening together and following the voice of the Holy Spirit

  • Mission-focused, relevant and practical for the times and context

  • Prepared to be courageous and creative, test ideas, adjust and take risks

  • Research-informed decision-making and planning

  • Continuous, intentional evaluation, alignment and prioritisation

hands holding globe

Mutual Commitment

We intentionally collaborate with those committed to our mission with humility, grace and generosity.

The doctrine of the trinity exemplifies unity and mutual partnership, and is evident in the New Testament writing. Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer in John 17 illustrates how He accomplished His mission, being sent by the only true God and sending His unified disciples into the world. The New Testament Epistles are filled with partnership in the gospel of varying degrees with individuals, households and churches. In Philippians 1:27, Paul emphasises very strongly that we stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel.

  • We are faithful to God, esteem and honour His church and are deeply committed to each other and our cause

  • United in love, persevering together in prayer

  • Working together towards God’s mission with joy, humility and generosity and a spirit of repentance

  • Committed to being focused, intentional and purposeful to our cause.

  • Collaborating with like-minded people and organizations