With OM’s Ship Ministry, there’s a place and a part for you to play at the heart of our movement.
DonateYour gift today will help us to:

Share literature widely among people who have not heard the good news of God’s love.

Fund a crew scholarship, giving a life-changing opportunity to a Jesus follower to learn and serve on board.

Equip outreach teams to provide practical assistance and aid to communities in great need.
contact your local OM office, first, or use their giving form if available.
If you need tax or gift aid receipt, please-
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If available, a link to your country's specific giving form or bank details is provided below. Otherwise, please contact your local OM office to ask about tax or gift aid receipts before making a donation.
*If using the giving forms on this site, gifts are received in British Pounds via the OM International office, and no tax or gift-aid receipt can be issued.
Your local office
Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB
Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).
General enquiries: www.uk.om.org/contact-us
Short-term mission opportunities: shortterm.uk@om.org
01691 773388