
Years of war have made deadly inroads on the condition of Yemen’s already deeply vulnerable population of around thirty million. The spread of disease through the recent Coronavirus pandemic, cholera epidemic, and other outbreaks has brought even more suffering to families already living far below the poverty line and facing the ever-looming threat of widespread starvation.

Years of war have made deadly inroads on the condition of Yemen’s already deeply vulnerable population of around thirty million. The spread of disease through the recent Coronavirus pandemic, cholera epidemic, and other outbreaks has brought even more suffering to families already living far below the poverty line and facing the ever-looming threat of widespread starvation.

Today, Yemenis continue to be displaced from their towns and villages in search of food and security. They also search for truth. A Yemeni man named Ahmed* wanted to know if it was true that he could have a relationship with God. Every night, after going to the mosque with his family, he would lie on his bed and seek communion with God in prayer – longing for wisdom and revelation and a visitation from Him. Many Yemeni seekers, like Ahmed, have met God personally through dreams and visions, and through disciples of Jesus that they meet.

Sharing the love of God with Yemenis

Share God’s love with the people of Yemen through supporting work among Yemenis that equips them to come alongside other Yemenis and use their own gifts and skills to benefit their nation.

By partnering with Yemenis in the country who are working and making a difference in their own communities in practical ways, you can live out love through helping to bring employment opportunities and training to at risk Yemenis. Marginalized communities in Yemen also have many urgent survival needs that you can support practically.

Additionally, as some Yemenis have left Yemen, there may be Yemenis near where you live with whom you can connect. Encourage them to pray with others and explore questions of faith in the countries where they have settled, as well as how God might want to use them to support initiatives in Yemen.

Yemeni Jesus Followers

Around ninety-nine percent of those living in Yemen are Muslim. Believers in Jesus are few, but their numbers are growing despite prohibitions on sharing their faith with others in Yemen. You can join prayer initiatives to strengthen those living and working amongst Yemen’s diverse population, and to pray for effective, holistic, development projects to flourish. These will be an essential contribution in bringing peace, stability and sustained recovery from the long-term effects of war, famine, and global isolation in Yemen.

Whether you commit to care long term, or for a short time, and whether you pray, or invest in lives through financial support, there are opportunities for you to impact the lives of those who call Yemen their hearts’ home!