
“He is not here; 

he has risen, 

just as he said.”


Matthew 28:6 (NIVUK)

As we reflect on Easter, we are reminded that God can and often does do incredible and unexpected things. 

Since OM's Ship Ministry launched Logos over 50 years ago, we have been regularly reminded that our plans are not always God's plans. 

Today, our crewmembers continue to discover the unexpected. 
What a journey to be part of!

Crewmembers such as Michele, who was not expecting to join Logos Hope until God intervened. Nor did crew expect Logos Hope's visit to Spain in 2022 to be an unexpected catalyst for local Jesus followers to reach every household in their city.

Will you join us on this journey to expect the unexpected?

Your financial gift this Easter will help OM's Ship Ministry to continue sharing knowledge, help and hope around the world.

Partners to reach Seville

As a result of Logos Hope's visit in 2022, a fresh sense of urgency emerged amongst Seville's churches to reach their city for the Kingdom.

Michele's Story

Growing up in a family with divorced parents, Michele did everything she could to make them proud and win their love. 

But as she embarked on a government-funded book-writing project, little did Michele know that God, in an unexpected way, was leading her to Himself.

God's plan, not ours

Joshua was expecting to join Logos Hope but ended up on Doulos Hope – a change of plans he had not foreseen, but from which he has learnt a lot. 

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If available, a link to your country's specific giving form or bank details is provided below. Otherwise, please contact your local OM office to ask about tax or gift aid receipts before making a donation.

*Gifts received through the giving links on this site are received in British Pounds via the OM International office, and no tax or gift-aid receipt can be issued.

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Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

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Short-term mission opportunities:

01691 773388