Therapists for special needs individuals


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Descripción general de la oportunidad

Do you have a heart to work with children with special needs, and do you want to serve God in a country which is not your own? OM Albania is in need of more therapists: physical therapist, music therapist, speech therapist and occupational therapist will all be of huge benefit to the ministry work in Durres. We especially need people that have a heart for the handicapped.

Required Skills

In Durres, OM Albania is working with one of the state-run centers for handicapped children, members of the church regularly take the children from the center out on walks. This doesn't only change up the routine for the children who have little distraction, but it also fights against the cultural stigma of Albania, that disabled children should be kept a secret. OM Albania regularly holds meetings with handicapped children and their families at a local church, to teach the children about Jesus. This concept also brings together the families of the children, as they often struggle with poverty and discrimination. We now have some therapists within the team who are able to meet together with those in need during the week to help improve their day to day life and inform the parents how to better care for their needs. We have seen so much improvement in the children from this and seen it as a wonderful opportunity to get to know the families better and share the Lord with them. We don't only work with the children themselves, trying to teach them how to count or write, but we also aim to help the family of the child. Many times the family lives in poverty, and the siblings feel left out as they don't get the same attention. OM Albania tries to provide the siblings with monthly meetings so that they can go out and have fun, but also helps the siblings with homework.

You will need:

  • A willingness to learn Albanian
  • Flexibility
  • Humility
  • A love for people
  • Training as a physiotherapist, speech therapist, music therapist or occupational therapist and ideally some work experience

This is not a paid position, financial support will need to be raised for life on the field.

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* The jobs listed on this website do not have a set salary. This means that the person who applies will need to raise their own support, which is money that they will use to live on. The amount of support money they need to raise will depend on things like where they are from, if they have a family, and what country they will be working in. There might be some jobs that pay salary, but these are rare and would need to be negotiated with the sending offices and the teams you'd like to serve with. If you have any questions about this, please contact your local home office. Always keep in mind that our ministry depends on generous giving from our partners around the globe and God's ongoing provision. Joining OM is always seen as a step of faith and trust in a God who will provide for our needs through his chosen people.