Moroccans in Spain

7 Jun 2024 -
7 Sep 2024
EUR 25.00

Tipo de viaje


Tamaño del grupo


fecha de aplicacion

15 Mayo



Descripción General del Viaje

An opportunity to offer the Good News to Muslim families who are friendly and interested. You will learn how to share your faith effectively with them, and give away many New Testaments and flyers with QR codes for Gospel websites. You will also enjoy fellowship and discussion with others who have a heart for mission, pray for the nations and hear about Gospel progress around the world, grow in your faith, develop your gifts and perhaps discover God's plan for your life. You will participate in evangelism at a port in southern Spain, sharing your faith with the thousands of travellers who cross the Strait of Gibraltar.

Si vives en España y tienes alguna duda o quieres presentar una solicitud, escríbenos a

Para hacer la solicitud debes ser mayor de edad (tener 18 años +). Todas las oportunidades son de misionero, es decir, que no son puestos remunerados.

El precio no incluye los vuelos, el seguro médico, el visado (si procede) ni posibles vacunas.  El precio puede variar según el tipo de cambio actual.

What To Expect

The southern tip of Spain is only 14 km from Africa, and almost six million North Africans pass through this port every year. Most come from countries where Christian mission is forbidden. Many are happy to receive a New Testament and to hear the Gospel. You will receive training from people with extensive experience of working with Muslims. Clear guidance will be given about appropriate behaviour and dress in this cultural context. If the weather is hot, we may work early in the morning and late at night.

Perfil del Participante

Age Range: 18-99

You will need to be at least 18 years old and have a personal faith in Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord, a willingness for God to work in your life. a desire to learn and grow as a person, an openness to people of other faiths and cultures, a desire to share the love and compassion of Christ with Muslims. You must already speak good English, French or Arabic. It’s not essential to know any Spanish but even a basic level may be helpful.

Preguntas Frecuentes

Will there be accommodation provided?

Hotel accommodation in Algeciras will be your own responsibility at your own expense. We can help and advise in this.

Will there be food provided?

Meals in Algeciras will be your own responsibility at your own expense. We can help and advise in this.

Do I need to make my own travel arrangements?

Flights to Malaga, Seville or Gibraltar. We can advise about onward travel from the airport to Algeciras by bus, train or taxi.

What should my health condition be like?

You will need to be in good health, as you will be on your feet for several hours in hot weather.

Do I need a visa?

Members of the European Union have free access to Spain. Citizens of most Latin American and some other countries can visit Spain for up to 90 days without a visa. But visitors from elsewhere will need a tourist visa to enter Spain. Check with your local Spanish consulate what the Spanish entry requirements are for your specific country. As visa applications can move slowly, please apply as soon as possible!

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