Share God’s love with the people of the small, landlocked, ethnically diverse nation of Paraguay. Make friends with native Paraguayans, ethnic Lebanese, Bangladeshis and Chinese, engage with youth through sport, and motivate others to participate in God’s global plan.
Share God’s love with the people of the small, landlocked, ethnically diverse nation of Paraguay. Make friends with native Paraguayans, ethnic Lebanese, Bangladeshis and Chinese, engage with youth through sport, and motivate others to participate in God’s global plan.
Sharing the love of God practically
Paraguay’s seven million people are more inclined towards emigration to improve their lifestyles. One fifth of the population is engaged in agriculture; however, the land in the south is prone to flooding and poorly drained. This challenges farmers’ livelihoods and increases waterborne bacterial diseases. Industrial refining of its natural resources: hydropower, timber, iron ore, manganese, and limestone, has polluted rivers and intensified waste contamination.
Over 80 per cent of Paraguayans are under 50 years of age, living in urban areas, mostly to the east of the country. By sharing God’s love, there are many opportunities in Paraguay for everyone’s future, both nationally and globally.
“After more than 10 years in Paraguay, we are experiencing a new time - changed by the pandemic. We have a team that enjoys service together in friendship, and we know that we are investing in the future of the Paraguayan church, particularly through the children and their parents. By supporting them in life choices and values through the difficulties, they discover God’s reliability,” says the team leader.
Jesus followers in Paraguay
Officially, there is religious freedom in Paraguay. Official figures state 95 per cent of the population are Christian. 41 different people groups are represented, with thousands yet to hear of God’s love for the first time. Catholicism has a big influence on government and society. Many international groups work alongside national believers, both in the cities and rural areas - collaborating strategically and locally.
Come to the capital city of Asunción, Loma Plata colony or Ciudad del Este and share the love of God - by talking - even in basic Spanish! All are places where international workers can live alongside national Jesus followers, building, inspiring and motivating others, through sharing their personal journey of faith.
Whether you come for a long, or short time, or whether you pray, or invest in lives through financial support, there are many ways for you to share God’s love with the people in Paraguay.