
Immersion Ireland 2024

January - July 2024

The Immersion programme is a gap-year training programme for young adults between the ages of 18 – 30.  It starts off with several weeks of intense training at Lacken House, OM in Ireland’s rural headquarters; after that, you as a participant will be placed with a church to encourage local believers and further the work of God here in Ireland.

The Immersion training programme is designed to:

  • immerse you in God’s Word, worship, and prayer
  • immerse you in ministry
  • immerse you in cross-cultural missions

Throughout the programme, you will meet with a mentor who will monitor your needs, hold you accountable, and guide you along your journey. At the end of the programme, you will help lead ministry outreaches here in Ireland. Through this whole experience, God will challenge you in ways you could never have imagined, helping you to depend on Him more and more each day.

Immersion is an exciting initiative to inspire young people to be used by God and to put their faith into action. As an Immersion student, you will play an active role in the Irish church, encouraging local believers and furthering the work of God here in Ireland. 

To find out more, just contact us!

Meet the Immersion leaders!


Mayke is originally from the Netherlands and has lived in Ireland since 2015. She is married to Colin. A graduate of the Immersion programme herself, she currently handles all of the administration details for the programme. 


Tim was born in Venezuela as a missionary kid and then spent much of his youth in the United States. He and his wife Courtney moved to Ireland in 2014. He has a master’s degree in applied theology and is one of the Immersion programme leaders.


Nem is originally from Wales and served in Italy with OM for nearly 8 years. Before that she studied youth work and ministry and gained experience in that field. She joined OM in Ireland in 2023 and is one of the Immersion programme leaders.

Do you want to learn more?

Check out our YouTube page to find out more about Immersion!

Immersion in Ireland