
Share God's love with this small but wealthy community of national Qataris and migrants. The national government has used its natural resources of gas and oil to produce a construction boom, bringing overseas workers in to support the new infrastructure.

Share God's love with this small but wealthy community of national Qataris and migrants. The national government has used its natural resources of gas and oil to produce a construction boom, bringing overseas workers in to support the new infrastructure.

No longer the poor relations of the region, Qataris now have new economic advantages: a much higher standard of living, education and career opportunities. This pearl in the Gulf States is also a temporary home to many Arabic-speakers coming to benefit from its buoyant job market.

It is easy to engage with friendly Qataris and migrants. Evan, an expatriate believer explains: “Their faith is a part of their life through and through, so starting conversations around personal faith is not difficult – providing you speak Arabic!”

Sharing the love of God in Qatar

Share God’s love with people through professional skills: by working and making a difference by example. You can live out love by working alongside individuals, serving communities, bringing employment opportunities that lead to safer workplaces. In Qatar, there are plenty of opportunities to come alongside the local community of Jesus followers respectfully, acknowledge the variety of backgrounds and reveal the real personality of Jesus to others.

Jesus followers in Qatar

Although three quarters of those living in Qatar are Muslim, the government permits the peaceful co-existence of over 300,000 believers in Jesus. High rental costs challenge large meetings to take place, but radio enables sharing of faith programmes without hindrance (Operation World, 2021).

Jesus followers need encouragement to be available to pray with others, and explore questions of faith gently. The environment is challenging, with extremely high temperatures in the summer, make them often tired and demoralised.

Qatar has plenty of opportunities to give practical support for the marginalised, and refugee communities.

Although challenging circumstances, international workers can live alongside national believers in Jesus, and those who have not yet met Him personally.  You will always work to support local partners within the country, using your professional skills and personal faith to bless the people of Qatar. Whether you come for a long, or short time, or whether you pray, or invest in lives through financial support, there are opportunities for you in Qatar.