Featured Stories

Overlooking the town of Linz in Austria: the centre with  several churches.
Audry met Sarah in a language learning class. The two began meeting outside of class to practise and soon were talking about more than the weather and how to greet someone.
“If I have Jesus, I have everything,” Jordan from Bulgaria says. Before choosing to follow Christ, he was without hope. This same hope that he has received from Christ is what he desires to share with others. Photo by Ellyn S.
"If I have Jesus, I have everything,” Jordan from Bulgaria says. Before choosing to follow Christ, he was without hope. This same hope that has received from Christ is what he desires to share with others.
People in Latin America enjoy spending time the afternoon at near by parks.  Photo by Garrett N
Since joining OM 10 years ago, Gerardo has worked to strengthen local churches across El Salvador, train Jesus followers to share the gospel, and invite more individuals and churches to live out their faith in their daily lives.
OM's ministry, AidsLink, provides care and support for people around the globe who are living with HIV. Photo by Ellyn Schellenberg.
Riya* and husband Pranav* (South Asia) have seen God at work through their work with AIDSLink, where they share God's love with those affected by HIV and AIDS.
A group of young people study the Bible together. Photo by RJ Rempel.
By opening their home and inviting others to join them in studying the Bible, Esau and Alicia have seen God multiply their investment in hospitality.