More than numbers

God is using the Bible Correspondence Course in Istanbul, Turkey, to impact the lives of thousands of people with the message of the gospel.

By the end of 2018, the Bible Correspondence Course (BCC) ministry team had sent out 11,474 packages of mostly New Testaments to every corner of Turkey. 

Please pray for each soul who received God's Word in 2018. “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” - Isaiah 11:55 (NIV)

Numbers are just one way to measure the effectiveness of a ministry. But the BCC team want to see fruit and be accountable to those who give, pray and labour together in this spiritually challenging area of the Middle East. But behind these numbers, the Lord is touching countless individual's hearts and lives. 

One new Turkish sister in Christ recently wrote to the ministry: "After countless nights of crying myself to sleep and vivid dreams I realised I had come to a turning point. After reading the Gospel that you sent me, I kneeled, as if I had been preparing for it for years, and while weeping with all the longing within me, I took refuge in my Lord Jesus Christ. I swear it is impossible to express in words the unbridled enthusiasm and excitement of that moment. Even as a writer, I have no words that can truly reflect the eternal glory of God."

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