O.M. in Brittany

OM France has identified Brittany as one of the French regions least reached by the gospel.

OM France has identified Brittany as one of the French regions least reached by the gospel. Out of three point two million inhabitants , less than one per cent see themselves as genuine disciples of Jesus. In a region where 87 per cent of the population identified themselves as Catholic in 1972, only 16 per cent of Bretons did so in 2013 (attending mass at least once a month)[1].

As part of the vision of OM International, the national team wants to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached in France and then in Brittany.  The team has sought to listen to the local churches in the region, to understand their particular situations and to discern how OM might serve them, support them and mobilise them.

To this end, they are working on three levels:

One-off events, taking part in short term missions such as last autumn’s Route du Rhum, or the up-and-coming operation during this summer’s Interceltic Festival of Lorient.

Medium-term operations, of a minimum of six months, where the need for encouragement and support for isolated households located in some of the region’s hardest areas has been identified. The creation of  “Operation Lighthouse” is aimed to meet this need, .

Longer term ministry, in which a local church planting community can be served through a church planting community in a town, over two or three years, with a permanent OM team made available.

Do support these plans to present Christ in Brittany by making a gift to OM France, destined for “Project Brittany”.

The needs are endless: needs related to this summer’s Interceltic Festival; financial needs for the funding of Operation Lighthouse; needs connected with the support of people like Gaetan; needs to cover travel costs linked to these key activities. If you live anywhere other than France, please contact your national OM office.

[1] Sources :
Population bretonne : https://france.comersis.com/carte-communes- region.php?reg=105
Population catholique : https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/bretagne/2013/03/14/y-t-il-enco…

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