Caring for people

God changed the direction of one young girl’s life in order to bring hope and healing to many women involved in the sex trade in Greece and launch a second-hand bookshop in Athens. God’s dream of establishing a non-profit making company that would provide a healthy working alternative to those women with a background of abuse, exploitation or trafficking in over 700 local brothels, let alone the many uncounted strip-club, bar and street workers, is becoming a reality.
God changed the direction of one young girl’s life in order to bring hope and healing to many women involved in the sex trade in Greece and launch a second-hand bookshop in Athens. God’s dream of establishing a non-profit making company that would provide a healthy working alternative to those women with a background of abuse, exploitation or trafficking in over 700 local brothels, let alone the many uncounted strip-club, bar and street workers, is becoming a reality.
God changed the direction of one young girl’s life in order to bring hope and healing to many women involved in the sex trade in Greece and launch a second-hand bookshop in Athens. God’s dream of establishing a non-profit making company that would provide a healthy working alternative to those women with a background of abuse, exploitation or trafficking in over 700 local brothels, let alone the many uncounted strip-club, bar and street workers, is becoming a reality.
The Schmidt family learnt that the experiences on this journey with God to—and in—Lesotho have been far more valuable to them than all the comforts of the world.