Montelimar's team

Outreach weeks in France 2023

Week of evangelism in Arpajon


From 1 to 9 April 2023, we had a wonderful week of evangelism with the Evangelical Protestant Church of Arpajon. Here is Michael’s testimony:

‘Thank the Lord for this week! I find it really hard talking to strangers, even more so when talking about God. On Thursday afternoon, I was supposed to be paired with someone doing questionnaires with passers-by. I ended up being paired with someone to distribute tracts in letterboxes. It was as if the Lord was telling me, ‘I’ll let you do what you prefer.’ That evening, each pair shared wonderful testimonies about the people they had met. And I had nothing to say! I felt as if the Lord was challenging me, that if I wanted to experience something really amazing, I had to get out of my comfort zone. The next day, I set off with renewed enthusiasm, and we had two great conversations, one of which was with Charlotte, a Christian who had wandered away from the Church. Then on Saturday I was able to approach people without being too afraid. We didn’t have any great conversations that day, but the Lord gave me strength and joy to serve Him. 


Week of evangelism in Montélimar

The week began with us studying God’s Word for two days in a row. These Bible studies and times of prayer and praise helped us encourage each other and share our testimonies to get to know each other better. We were then ready to joyfully share the Good News with the people around us.

In partnership with the local church, we went out into the streets and organised evangelistic events, including a kids’ club, visits to homes for the elderly, and a concert one evening. We also helped with the praise at church. At the homes for the elderly we were able to pray with the residents and share the story of Jesus’ resurrection with them. They also took part in the Lord’s Supper. We were encouraged by these visits, because God touched the residents’ hearts from the very beginning.

Some us conducted street interviews, discussing religion, faith and Easter. This gave us the opportunity to have interesting conversations with different people. Many of them shared their personal beliefs. We pray that God would continue to touch their hearts.

The kids’ club was a great success! The kids came back each day and took part in games, listened to Bible stories, and sang songs with us. They heard the Good News through all this, and some started to attend the church’s kids’ club.

We pray for God to work in the hearts of the people we met, and for the Montélimar church.


Jamie Cutting, head of short-term missions

If you would like to receive more information about OM France, or take part in a similar evangelistic event, please get in contact with us.

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