
For six years, Dr. Richard Hui and his family dedicated themselves to sharing the gospel in East Africa, where they worked to improve healthcare and build genuine friendships in the community until they tragically lost their daughter.
Su-Ling speaks at ILM 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Despite uncertainties and personal sacrifices, Su-Ling entered missions work and embraced her role as a full-time mother. She took on leadership positions within OM, facilitating change and strategy implementation.
People use Farming God's Way techniques to farm in South Asia. Photo by Rebecca Rempel.
Saw Seang Pin believes in the need for a paradigm shift in mission approaches, acknowledging the strengths and contributions of believers from the Global South.
Kenny Gan in the bridge of Logos Hope in 2008
Kenny Gan, a man with a troubled past, found redemption and purpose through his faith in Jesus. Dedicating his life to spreading the message of God's love, he sailed around the world with OM Ships, impacting countless lives in the process. Even when faced with terminal cancer, Kenny remained steadfast in his faith, sharing his joy and hope until his passing.
International Director Lawrence Tong assembled OM leaders for ILM 2022 to rethink missions, rebuild connections and restore community to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached.
Lawrence Tong, International Director of OM, aims to reshape missions by thinking beyond traditional structures. He envisions a global organisation where diverse followers of Jesus collaborate as equals.
Willy and Sharon served on board Logos Hope together with their two young children
Willy and Sharon, with their two young children in tow, embarked on a two-year stint on board Logos Hope and developed a deeper understanding of God's work in the world.
Michelle and her elderly friends in Owase church in Japan
Michelle has been actively involved in outreach and church planting in various regions of Japan. She encourages the local churches in rural areas of Mie, despite the challenges and resistance faced in these regions.