
OMer Farrah, in red, shares the Good News in Taviramongy, Madagascar. Farrah, alongside the local church, has regularly been visiting the village to spread the Good News.
Initially, the VCJF initiative in southern Madagascar was unsuccessful in its efforts to form communities of Jesus followers. Transformation occurred when Hanitra and her team implemented the Discovery Bible Study method, which focuses on teaching Jesus followers to lead and foster self-reproducing communities of Jesus followers.
The view from the bus in southern Madagascar.
"Why was being a foreigner a problem though? It isn’t wrong. It’s not a bad thing, nor anything to be ashamed of. It simply means ‘I’m not from around here.’ But in my mind to be called a local would have meant that I had made it – that I had fully adapted and that I ‘belonged.’ And while it is important and recommendable to assimilate into the local culture where you are, it is equally important to remember that the world is not our home," said OMer RJ.