Serving People - Volunteer at Hospitality Centre

See below


Journey Type


Group Size


Apply By / Duration

See Below



Journey Overview

You will work alongside the hospitality team of OM Germany. Do you enjoy serving people and want to make them feel loved and welcome?
We need volunteers for our guest house where people get informed and mobilized for missions.

It is possible to customize the program. This cost covers only accommodation, meals, and transport for ministries. It does not include airfare, visa, travel insurance, required vaccinations, and airport transfer. Charges may be incurred for late cancellation. Dates and costs may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control.
Please contact us at 6743 1889 or if you are interested.

What To Expect

You will prepare rooms, clean facilities, set up coffee breaks, do laundry, cook, bake or do the dishes.

Participant Profile

Age Range: 16-70

servant heart
physically fit

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be accommodation provided?

You will be accommodated in the German home office, where you will work as well.

Will there be food provided?

Food is provided during the whole time.

Do I need to make my own travel arrangements?

Everyone must organize and pay for their own travel. The final train station is Mosbach West, which is on the opposite site of OM Germany. You can book your flight to Frankfurt Airport which is two hours away from Mosbach or fly into Stuttgart Airport which is the same distance.

What should my health condition be like?

You will work 8 hours a day and you will be on your feet the whole day!

Do I need a visa?

Please check with your local Home Office.