
Living out love

Read inspiring stories of Jesus followers around the world and discover the next step on your journey to a fulfilled life.


Though Nigel walked away from the Church, his family never gave up. "They didn't just speak the gospel to me, but they lived it out for me. They had peace, joy and love," Nigel said.

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We want to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached.

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Global Perspectives

​​​​​​​“Life with Jesus is an adventure, and do you trust Him enough to say 'Yes!' to that adventure?” When I heard a conference speaker say that, it was the encouragement that I needed to step out.
Penang, Malaysia :: Doulos Hope arrives into a new port.
Everywhere we look in our techno-digital age, we see a powerful wave of innovation, driven by understanding the needs and desires of others and how they can be served, oftentimes for profit. But is innovation reserved for global enterprise, science and mad geniuses, or is it within reach of individuals? Can we advance our mission through innovation as we empathise with the needs, challenges and hopes of people?