
See God's love spreading in wonderful places

Join Him in seeing lives and communities transformed through encouraging the church and going to difficult places where He is not yet worshipped.

The African continent divides into two very different areas with much of the north being predominantly Muslim with Arabic influences, and the south more heavily influenced by Christianity or tribal religions. There are crises of war, refugees, drought and HIV/AIDS across the continent.

The Church is very different in these two sections of the continent. In the South, the Church is larger and more visible. In the Muslim North, it is small, often “underground” with most believers lacking Christian fellowship. For more info about North Africa, view the Middle East region.


Stories from Africa

“Missions is one way we serve Him,” she said. “We can serve Him wherever He would choose to send us, to children, at home with your family…I would say seek His face so that you will know that you are doing what He wants," says Tewana from Trinidad and Tob
„Mission ist eine Art, wie wir Gott dienen können“, so Tewana. „Wir können ihm dienen, wo auch immer er uns hinführt, zu Kindern, zu Hause in unserer Familie … Ich würde sagen: Suche seine Nähe, damit du erfährst, ob du tust, was er will.“
Lake Tanganyika missionaries travelling on a boat to different villages.
An den Ufern des Tanganjikasees können neue Jesus-Nachfolger die Frohe Botschaft nicht für sich behalten. Stattdessen machen sie das Evangelium in den benachbarten Dörfern bekannt.