During a three-month internship, Aaron worked alongside software developers creating LightNet.
Jamie’s IT degree and industry experience provided him with exactly the right skillset to step into OM’s international IT department at a critical moment, keeping the organisation’s intranet system afloat and developing it for greater ministry impact across the world.
As a software engineer in Southeast Asia, Paulo uses his whole life to showcase God's excellence and share His love.
MediaWorks is building a digital tool called LightNet that will enable ministries and churches to create webapps quickly. With the new digital tool, they seek to simplify the process, costs, time and resources involved in creating webapps. The webapps will serve as platforms to share curated Christian media that engages with specific people groups.
In 2008, OM Ireland purchased Lacken House to be their headquarters. Ten years and hundreds of people later, the team continues to minister from the heart of Ireland.
OM France is currently actively seeking to fill a number of key roles within the OM France team. Do you sense God’s call on your life to take up one of these vital positions?
As MediaWorks plan to expand their print and digital media ministry, they are preparing for a number of changes in the year ahead.