Anmeldung für Einsätze

bis 4 Wochen

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7. Sex

Da du noch nicht volljährig bist, benötigen wir die Zustimmung eines Erziehungsberechtigten, damit du am Einsatz teilnehmen kannst.
Bitte lade das folgende Formular herunter und sende es, nachdem du die Anmeldung abgeschlossen hast, mit der Unterschrift eines Elternteils per E-Mail an oder per Post zu.  Danke!


OM Deutschland
Alte Neckarelzer Str. 2
74821 Mosbach

11. Emergency Contact
Relationship emergency contact
(Please specify, if you choose „Other")
12. Previous Mission Experiences
If yes please give us a short description of any previous outreaches: name and focus of the outreach, year, country, organization.
13. Language Abilities
(on a scale from 0-10, 0 no ability – 10 mother tongue)
(on a scale from 0-10, 0 no ability – 10 mother tongue)
(on a scale from 0-10, 0 no ability – 10 mother tongue)
Please give your testimony of how you came to faith. The following questions may help you to structure your thoughts: How did you get to know Jesu? What aspects of your life changed after deciding to follow Jesus? How do you practice your faith in your everyday life?
16. Health

In some of our outreach countries, healthcare is limited. Please provide details of any pre-existing medical conditions to ensure adequate care can be provided if necessary.

Following applies:
In some of our outreach countries, healthcare is limited. Please provide details of any pre-existing medical conditions to ensur
If you choosed one of these health issues, please explain further.
Diet, Following applies:
17. Home Church Contact
Please state your spiritual home (e.g. church, small group): 
18. References

Please state two persons, who know you well and can evaluate your character and spiritual growth. Please contact them beforehand and do not name close family members.

First Reference Person:
Second Reference Person:
19. How did you hear about the outreach?