Integral Mission Training ( IMT-EMI)

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Art der Zusammenarbeit

mit Training


6-12 Monate



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We learn best when we learn together—and when we put it into practice. Many people come to OM expecting to refine what they can do for ministry, but God uses that availability to refine who they can become for life. Both are at the heart of OM's Integral Mission Training ( IMT). While each training programme has its own unique flavour, style and focus, all are unmistakably grounded in essential biblical values. Programmes combine 'real world' biblical studies with cross-cultural adaptation

Dein Profil, um Welten zu verändern

Application Deadline: 1 July 2024 Arrival Date: 14 July 2024 Departure Date: 7 Dec 2024

Cost: 4775  USD (Discounted prices available for Chilean and Latin American Students.)

Campaign Purpose:

The mission field is awaiting! But would you be ready? If you were given the opportunity today to serve on any mission field, would you know where to start? If that mission field were an isolated, high-pressure environment, would your relationship with God survive and even thrive?

Studies show that many missionaries planning to go to the mission field long-term are only lasting about two years. Quality pre-field missionary training can help workers bear more fruit and last longer on the field. This is why OM in Chile's Integral Mission Training (IMT) provides a real mission experience for those interested in becoming long-term missionaries. Veteran IMT students testify the integral mission training combined with community living makes for a transformational experience!

Brief Description:

The Integral Mission Training is a 5 month training programme in Chile designed to train disciples for a missional lifestyle. The IMT takes on a holistic approach combining classroom teaching with practical ministry and outreaches. Prioritising one-to-one discipleship and mentoring, allowing students to process what they're learning about God in a safe environment.

The IMT programme offers an exciting introduction to cross cultural mission while helping you to deepen your relationship with God and to grow in discipleship. The EMI programme is taught in both English and Spanish. It includes two outreaches and you'll be involved in other local ministries too.

Details of Ministry:

Through the Integral Mission Training, students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and character necessary to be successful serving in missions.  The lecture component of IMT engages the mind. Missionaries receive powerful teaching from motivating speakers and fellow missionaries; those best able to train, teaching from actual mission experience.

In the classroom, missionaries learn about hearing God's voice, intercessory prayer, spiritual warfare, praise/worship, VCJF´s, language learning, team dynamics, knowing God's will, cultural adaptation, discipleship, storytelling/oral communication, world religions, community development and much more.

Students are also involved in practical ministry exposure, teaching missionaries to be good listeners, to hear questions and respond with wisdom. Missionaries will have a chance to make a difference in the surrounding society through participating in local evangelistic ministries and two outreaches, one within Chile and one in another Latin American country.

Perhaps the most important parts of the IMT is the one-on-one discipleship and mentoring. This is where missionaries are allowed to process what they're learning about God in a safe environment.

You will better understand God's heart for mission and you will be further equipped to effectively communicate the Gospel across cultures. The training will give you skills for a disciplined devotional life, tools for ministry, a deeper understanding of yourself, as well as developing team building and leadership skills.

Enjoy team life, interactive classroom training and ministry.

Participants Profile: You will need:

● To be at least 18 years old ● Must be a believer and an active member of his/her local church. ● A desire and openness to allow God to work in your life ● A desire to learn and grow as a person ● A willingness to live and function as part of a team ● An openness to people of other faiths and cultures.

Restrictions etc.

Capacity: 4 to 15 Ages: From 18 - 65 Groups welcome?  Yes Families welcome?  Yes Married couples welcome? Yes Individuals welcome? Yes Related Items: no related items.

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Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

General enquiries:
Short-term mission opportunities:

01691 773388

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