Meet our global board members

Global Board member Holly Steward, graduated from St. Olaf College with a bachelor’s degree in English and Music, specializing in cello and voice. She worked with OM Zambia at Lake Tanganyika for 10 years is currently serving with the Scatter Global team

Holly Steward

Global board

American Holly Steward, graduated from St. Olaf College with a bachelor’s degree in English and Music, specializing in cello and voice. She worked with OM Zambia at Lake Tanganyika for 10 years, helping to grow the Good News Orphan School and setting up the Good News Mobile Clinic. She is passionate about seeing same-culture workers equipped to sustainably go and make disciples where Jesus is not known. She played an integral part in training more than 50 Zambian same-culture workers, who are now the core of the Lake Tanganyika disciple-making team; they are making an impact in Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burundi. Holly is currently serving with OM’s Scatter Global team in the United States of America as the Strategy and Operations Director, working to see a mass movement of sustainable Jesus followers living and working among the least reached in a vocational context.