What stirs your heart?

We're people just like you!

We pray for people. We talk to people. We share God's love with people.
We believe that you can do these things too.

Our heart is to inspire you to discover and embrace God's heart for the world and to equip you with tools to help you grow, share God’s love with people who don’t know it and inspire others to do the same.


Ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiter der örtlichen Kirchen verteilen das Johannes-Evangelium in Zusammenarbeit mit OM in Spanien mit dem Ziel, jeden Haushalt in der Provinz mit der Frohen Botschaft zu erreichen!


Many have not heard, many more have not seen

Every nation should have the privilege of seeing and feeling Jesus' love

Our deepest passion is God's glory, that the nations would know and experience His love for themselves. So we commit our lives fully and go, needing no other call.

Pray for the nations

God hears us when we pray according to His will. We see Him working in the lives of our families, friends, neighbours and colleagues as we pray for the needs of those close to us.

Pray with us