Ching Cover

Wounded and disillusioned from the organisational failures of a previous ministry, Chan I’Ching found a freedom to serve and exercise her gifts when she re-joined OM in 2015. “In OM, there is a sense that everyone is significant because we are all children of God and each person plays a part in the Kingdom.” Her journey with OM continues till today.

One would expect Christian ministry to be a bed of roses, seeing as all involved would be a child of God. Chan I’Ching realised that we are all sinners in a sinful world, redeemed only by God’s grace.

I’Ching had been part of OM in West Asia from 1999 – 2002. This Penangnite then left OM for other pursuits. However, wounded and disillusioned after resigning from a ministry due to its organisational failures, I’Ching was eager to move on to another phase of ministry. In 2015, she re-joined OM, and was embraced with opened arms by the OM East Asia leadership.

“The culture in OM, while not perfect, was a far cry from what I experienced in my previous organisation – I felt a freedom to serve and exercise my gifts authentically and I did not have to prove my worth. 

“In OM, there is a sense that everyone is significant because we are all children of God and each person plays a part in the Kingdom. This atmosphere of acceptance and love served to heal me from my traumatic past ministry.”

In less than a year, she was invited to serve in a leadership role in OM East Asia, followed by global leadership positions the following year.

“This, too, was very redeeming for me because previously, I was always made to feel inadequate and was not taken seriously. Hence, to be recognized for my gifting and to be invited to serve in a role where I would flourish was a huge reminder of God’s grace and love. 

“It’s been eight years since I’ve returned to OM and I continue to appreciate the OM global community, especially the many leaders who have played a part in my journey thus far.”

I’Ching is currently serving as associate international director for OM (Global Resourcing).

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