
Choon Tat Cover
2013年,Ng Choot Tat参加了OM的“走出安乐窝(OCZ)营会与短宣”。这确实将他带入了一个与他自己完全不同的世界。前往印尼-万隆和萨拉蒂加的宣教之旅,为需要各种援助的社区提供帮助。这是一次令入谦卑的经历,也塑造了他的人生道路。“我意识到,即使是微不足道的善举和服事,也会对有需要的个人和社区产生深远的影响。”他现在是在一家致力于为贫困社区提供服务的机构 担任IT 执行员。
In celebration of International Women's Day, we recognise and celebrate the women around the world who selflessly serve God's kingdom impacting their communities through OM's ministries. Through the hundreds of ministries that OM has in different countries and cultural contexts, women serve in a variety of ways, often taking up a combination of roles building up the Body of Christ.
June Tho cover
On the mission fields of South Africa, Wan Jun Tho gained a flexibility and adaptability that serves her well beyond her time there. During her time in the OM Missions Discipleship Training (MDT), Jun Tho widened her perspective and mindset as she handled different people and tasks in South Africa. Now as a leader for youths and young adults in a non-governmental organisation, her training and immersion in God’s Word during that 2018 stint keeps her going.
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在南非的宣教工场,Wan Jun Tho在灵活性和适应能力上获益匪浅。她所获益的灵活性和适应能力,远超过了她在那里的时间。在参加OM“宣教门徒训练”期间,Jun Tho在南非处理不同的人事和事物,开拓了她的视野和思维方式。 现在,她是非政府组织机构的社青和青少年的领袖。她在2018年的那段时间所接受的训练和学习如何浸泡在上帝的话语里,使她今日仍持续向前。
Ching Cover
Wounded and disillusioned from the organisational failures of a previous ministry, Chan I’Ching found a freedom to serve and exercise her gifts when she re-joined OM in 2015. “In OM, there is a sense that everyone is significant because we are all children of God and each person plays a part in the Kingdom.” Her journey with OM continues till today.
Ching Cover
Chan I’ Ching曾因前机构事故而感到受伤和失望。当她于2015年重新加入OM后,她找到了可以自由发挥她恩赐来服事的空间。“在OM,有一个共识就是每个人都很重要,因为我们都是上帝的儿女,每个人在祂的国度里都扮演着其角色。”她与OM的旅程一直持续到今天。