Share God’s love with the people of Poland — a country with a strong religious and cultural heritage, where the need to discover the love of Christ is still great. Engage with people from many nations and share God’s love in a variety of ways.
Share God’s love with the people of Poland — a country with a strong religious and cultural heritage, where the need to discover the love of Christ is still great. Engage with people from many nations and share God’s love in various ways.
Sharing the love of God practically
Located at the crossroads between West and East Europe, Poland has long suffered from oppression by its neighbours. Since the transition to democracy in the early 1990s, the country has experienced rapid development and a greatly increased standard of living.
Cities are increasingly multicultural, with people coming from across the world to work in the thriving capital of Warsaw and other urban areas.
For many years, Poland already had a large number of Ukrainian people coming to work, but since February 2022, the war in Ukraine has caused a significant increase in the Ukrainian population throughout the country, many with significant needs. We see the need to share the love of God through practical, emotional and spiritual connections with people from all nations who reside in Poland.
Jesus followers in Poland
Poland is a predominantly Catholic country, with currently around 90% identifying as such, but for most, this is purely an expression of their culture, and very few have a personal faith or relationship with Christ. Evangelical believers are a very small (0.3%) but passionate and growing segment of the population, making an impact on the community far beyond proportion to their size (especially in response to humanitarian needs arising from refugee crises in the region). However, thousands of towns and villages still have no evangelical presence. The trend amongst younger generations and in urban areas is increasingly away from their Catholic identity towards secularism. Immigration from other parts of the world also means a small but expanding population of Muslims, Hindus and other religious backgrounds. These circumstances offer an opportunity for people to become followers of Jesus, but there is a huge need for those who can make disciples.
Come and serve in Warsaw among immigrants and refugees from all over the world, including Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, the Middle East, North Africa and Asia. Our ‘Dom Kultur,’ in the heart of Warsaw’s multicultural and vibrant Praga district, is a place where people from all nations can feel at home, with meetings, activities and programmes serving a wide range of needs. Bring your passions, skills and giftings to serve in this place.
Join our team visiting refugee centres, offering language lessons, activities for children and youth and opportunities to build relationships and assist with practical and spiritual needs. Help us mobilise and equip the local church to reach out to the community and engage with global missions.
Whether you come for a long or short time, pray or invest in lives through financial support, join us in building vibrant communities of Jesus followers in a nation with one of the world's smallest evangelical populations, at this historic time of great opportunity and openness. There are many ways for you to share God's love with the people of Poland and other nations residing here, all in great need of the hope that only Jesus brings.